Sunday, February 24, 2008

Creating Publicity Through Writing For Publication - Part Two

Here are the specific steps to landing writing gigs (and getting a great deal of free advertising and publicity) with small, local publications . . .

Step One
Find a small, local publication and offer to contribute articles or local area specific pieces. Show them samples. Establish the fact that you are a published author and can provide quality content for their magazine or newspaper (small weekly community newspapers are best for this). Contribute in trade for a blurb or for ad space.

Step Two
Write for a period of time. Establish yourself. Get comfortable with the process. Naturally you will want to keep in close contact with the editor of the publication. Solicit feedback, but don’t be a pest. Be professional in your approach.

Step Three
After establishing your credibility with the public and with the editor of the publication, ask the editor of this single publication if he or she would be willing to provide a quick reference for you. Don’t insist. Again, be professional.

Step Four
Now you know somebody. Contact other small publications and offer to contribute to their publication. You can now provide samples of your work from a PUBLICATION SIMILAR to their own, and you now have a reference from an editor. You now know somebody. Somebody in the field. Somebody who is willing to vouch for you. People only do business with people they trust.

This may take some time. Expand your horizons are far as you can and still be comfortable.

Step Five
Continue doing this and build a resume. Take on as many of these small publications as you can reasonably handle. Every one of them is providing free ad space for you. Work your way up to the larger publications. It IS best to start with small publications if you have not done this before. Once you feel comfortable with ‘writing on a deadline’, move up to those larger publications.

Nothing will get you booted faster than missing a deadline! Make certain you are capable of making those deadlines. If you miss your deadline you leave that publication in a real bind, especially the smaller pubs. This is very important. However, if you get booted from a small publication the pain will be far less than getting the ax from a larger, more widely read publication.

Step Six
Continue this until you are fabulously rich and extremely famous. The next time you are on the Oprah Winfrey Show, please be certain to mention me. My last name is spelled “M-C-C-A-U-L-E-Y”

Seriously, though, this is a fantastic tool for indirectly marketing your book or business in the public arena. And it keeps you sharp. Many writers dream of making a living writing. Very few actually achieve the goal. This is simply because they are writers, not marketers.

However, you are fast becoming a marketer.

BTW, I have just created a new e-book entitled 'The Greatest Marketing Tool Ever Created'. It is located in the free section of the Free Publicity Focus Group site at . This tool, used properly, holds the potential to forever change your marketing life! Enjoy . . .


Anonymous said...


Thank you for your informative blog and tips on creating publicity. Being a greenhorn in PR, I have found your site very useful.

I understand that writing a good press release and being a good writer are very good for creating publicity if I have a small business. However, what if I am working for an organization (which I am), which makes me limited by the things I can do.

Would you have any recommendations on achieving publicity for an organization, and one in which the products are very niche, but needing to attract the mass-media publications?

Thank you for your time.

B. Lynn

Don McCauley said...

I have many ideas in regards to this topic. If you can provide a few more details regarding your target market, I can certainly attempt to steer you towards a workable solution . ..


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